
Thursday, September 18, 2014

Kedgree (Featured Shop)

"We are what we eat physically. We are what we read, intellectually. And we are what we collect aesthetically." - I couldn't agree more. Everyone of us today, wants our homes to be an unprejudiced reflection of our unique personalities. We are always on the look out for that one great piece that can make a style statement and achieve the curated look rather than the decorated look.That's where Kedgree promises to deliver to the connoisseur in you !!! 
We've already been introduced to the lovely lady Karishma Banerji Madan and today I'm delighted to bring to you, her new venture and labor of love "Kedgree". We chatted up with Karishma to learn more about her unconventional online decor store that undertakes to bring "Beautiful Things for Beautiful Homes."

TECD : Welcome back Karishma ! Let's start by asking what propelled you to initiate your curated online decor shop?

KBM : Hello TECD readers ! 
Always such a pleasure to be associated with The East Coast Desi and this time the fact that it is for Kedgree makes it doubly special for me. Thanks for the opportunity Sruthi ! 

Kedgree is the culmination of my passion for all things beautiful and is anchored by an obsession for everything that spells ‘decor’. I have always loved art, antiques and handicrafts and had a dream to share my passion for home decor curated by me with a global audience, to bring to the doors and walls of others what is beautiful to my eye and more importantly, through this endeavor, to narrate the stories of those who craft these products and share the history and culture associated with these objects.
TECD : How is Kedgree different from the others in the industry ? 

KBM : Every store or curator has a concept and a vision behind their label. Kedgree has its roots in the term ‘Kedgeree’, used by the British for Indian ‘khichdi’. The label is a blend of the old and the new, of the rustic and the modern, of ethnic boho-chic items as well as collectors items and objets-d-art, items from the exotic east right across to the elegant west. The belief at Kedgree is that a beautiful fusion of all these elements put together brings about the best in home decor. Kedgree offers you a delicate blend of curios and collectibles from across the world to infuse vibrance and colour into your home from different cultures. Its mission is to deliver the perfect fusion, a beautiful mix, the 'perfect kedgeree' to make your beautiful home even more gorgeous than it already is.
TECD : What are your plans to go bigger in terms of customer reach ???

KBM : Kedgree offerings are currently selling through its Facebook page and we are working in parallel on developing the website which should be up and running by November. Kedgree already has an appreciative audience in India, USA, Germany and Korea who are happy customers and hopes to spread this goodwill to other parts of the world through its unmatched products and personalised customer service. As a curator, for me, there is unparalleled joy in being able to visualise a Korean ceramic vase handpicked by Kedgree gracing a Spanish home, or a vintage Czechoslovakian oil lamp from Kedgree lighting up a home in India and I hope to share these treasures with a wider audience in the months to come.
TECD: How and where do you source the products from ?

KBM : Kedgree’s collection is sourced from artisans across the world. The effort is to curate the very best from the actual artist herself and the desire is to share the results of her skill, toil and labour with people who would appreciate all that goes into developing the ‘character' of the object of art in question, through the platform that is ‘Kedgree'. The vintage collection at Kedgree includes rare and exclusive items that are procured from connoisseurs of art and antiques in India who have been collecting these artefacts for many decades.
TECD : What has been your most memorable experience while sourcing your products ?

KBM: Each interaction with an artist or a collector is unique and memorable. There is immense joy in sitting by a craftswoman and watching her carve life into a block of wood, or to see poetry in motion as a potter spins his clay around the wheel and gives it shape. On a recent trip to Cambodia, I had an amazing experience observing a group of mute artisans creating exquisite sculptures out of limestone and sandstone and was amazed at their prowess, their finesse and sheer talent ! 

TECD : We love what we see at Kedgree and are curious to know what other treasures are going to be unveiled at Kedgree ?

KBM : You can look forward to some beautiful Korean ceramic-ware on Kedgree soon. Korea is known for its pottery and the beauty of this artwork is exceptional. Would not want to give away more, rather, would urge you to watch the page on Facebook closely for more. 

Thank you Karishma for taking the time to connect with the readers of TECD and wishing you luck with Kedgree.

The anticipation of new finds is exciting and the offerings at Kegree are carefully selected treasures and as is the case with treasures, there can never be more than a handful of each type. So make sure to be the early bird and write to Karishma at for queries and orders. You could also connect with her on the Kedgree FB page.

Image credit/copyright:Kedgree


  1. Gorgeous treasures! Off to like their page and find some goodies for the home!

    1. Kedgree has some exquisite pieces.........I hope you find THE piece:)

  2. Oh wow!! You surprised me again Sruthi :). Since late last week I have been chatting with Karishma, and the lovely painted distressed wooden Ganeshaji is now getting ready to be on his way to our CT home :) it thrilled me ; stopping here and seeing him in the post; I know its going to be every bit as beautiful as it appears and more and Karishma has been just awesome throughout our chats !!

    1. It's a small world Peeli !!! As I was writing out the post I was wondering to myself , whose house the Ganeshji would be going to, how and where would it be placed ........And now I don't have to. He's in good hands :)

  3. Beautiful like your paintings, cookeing, etc. Keep the good work going, and all the best.Your interview is like a river flowing slowly and captivating our minds.


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