
Thursday, February 12, 2015

Romancing your Home!

With Valentine's Day just around the corner, I thought this would be an apt time to broach the subject of "romancing one's home". You read that right! I do romance my home, don't you? Every time I fluff the pillows, arrange the bouquet of flowers that I so carefully picked out, layer my bed with fresh crisp white sheets, light my favorite scented candle and take in the sweet fragrance or draw the curtains and watch Mr. Sun work his Midas touch on all corners of the all makes my heart skip a beat and I seem to fall, over and over in love with this place that I call "home".....To me, my home provides the much needed psychological sustenance to live in an otherwise chaotic world !
Investing in a home is like investing in a relationship. You have to go that extra mile when it comes to devoting time and effort. And before you know it, you not only have a functional and aesthetically beautiful space to call your own but on a broader perspective, it helps to shape a lifestyle! 
I strongly suggest, let the love affair continue.......

Images: Clicked by Sruthi Singh. Please do not use without prior written permission. 
Images are the property of Sruthi Singh and subject to copyright.


  1. I agree its a lifelong love affair!! u said it right.. its a personal haven in a chaotic world!!

    PS -- I have the same shaded orange peacock cushion.. picked it up from India circus!! :)

  2. Very True shruti ;).. its the most happiest thing to see the sun peaking into our house. And for sure i love the Buddha from the first time i saw it.....been almost 5 yrs ;). I still get lot of inspirations from your decoration. Thanks for posting these lovely pictures

  3. Beautiful!! Images and the write up both.

  4. excellent post! loved it!
    A regular visitor :)

  5. Eternal love story :-) Lovely thought Sruthi.

  6. Thank you everybody..........glad that you'll took the time to connect with me and give such wonderful feedback!

  7. "To me, my home provides the much needed psychological sustenance to live in an otherwise chaotic world !" I love every word here. Beautifully written! Romance and Home live together afterall Home is where your heart is or vice versa!


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